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Adventurer Club




Who We Are

The Prayer Warriors Adventurer Club is a non-profit youth organization operated by the Highland Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church. The club is financed by member fees, fundraising and private donations.

The Adventurer program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and further the child's spiritual, physical, mental, and social development while encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus. The Adventurer Club Program, along with the church, home, and school, aim to work with parents to develop a mature, happy child.

One of the Adventurer Club objectives is to provide a meaningful and exciting experience as the children look forward with anticipation to some day being Pathfinders.

What is the Adventurer curriculum designed to accomplish?

  • Children will, at their own level, commit their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.
  • Children will gain a positive attitude toward the benefits, joys, and responsibilities of living a Christian life.
  • Children will acquire the habits, skills and knowledge needed to live for Jesus today.
  • Parents and other primary care-givers will become more confident and effective as co-laborers with Christ for their children.

The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children.

  • to develop a Christ-like character;
    to experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well;
  • to express their love for Jesus in a natural way;
  • to learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others;
  • to discover their God-given abilities and to know how to use them to benefit self and serve others,
  • to improve their understanding of what makes families strong.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is the key to a child’s success. The volunteer staff takes its responsibility to guide the Adventurers to higher goals seriously, and therefore expects the parents to understand the importance of the program, and each parent’s role within it.

The Adventurer Club is a fully integrated, spiritually based educational program designed to supplement your child’s regular school. It is our hope that parents will support their child’s consistent attendance and participation in meetings and outings, will attend the Sabbath Induction and Investiture programs, will be open in communication with the club, and will seek to enrich their children’s experience and achievements.



This information and text is from Club Ministries website